Digital Painting - Semi Realism of Slash part 1

This Semi Realism Digital Painting of Saul Hudson aka Slash - Gun's n
Roses lead guitarist are officialy opening my channel. I dreamed about
my own channel for times and, for present time. I feels like have more
chance to realise it. From now on i'll struggle to keep the commitment
for weekly video sharing. For You who have interests in drawing,
painting, and graphic design, anything related to artwork and,
illustrations digital nor traditionally. I Hope You might found
something useful here. Feel free to ask me anything related the artwork
creation process. And will really appreciate and, open wide for some
critiques. I've been on my never ending learning process in more than 10
years as graphic designer and, illustrator freelance and, Your thoughts
will be gladly appreciate.
Thank You and, enjoy the video.
